Ron B. Goldfarb
Ron B. Goldfarb
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Ron Goldfarb is Science Advisor in the Quantum Electromagnetics Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, Colorado, USA. From 2000 to 2015 he supervised six teams of scientists and engineers, including two working on the characterization of superconductor strands and cables. In 2004 he was elected Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) “for contributions to magnetic metrology for the characterization of superconductors.” He helped establish and promote IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 1989-1993, was editor-in-chief of IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 1995-2004, and was the founder and chief editor of IEEE Magnetics Letters, 2010-2019. In 2016, he received the IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Service Award “for two decades of leadership in advancing the quality and operational excellence of Magnetics Society and IEEE publications.” He was elected to the IEEE Eta Kappa Nu Honor Society in 2018. He led the establishment of IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering in 2019 and chaired its steering committee in 2020. He has served as a Magnetics Society representative to the IEEE Council on Superconductivity for many years.