Sergey Igorevich Kopylov headshot

Sergey Igorevich Kopylov

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The Joint Institute for High Temperature, RAS Directorate informs with regret that on December 25, 2020, the head of the Laboratory of Superconducting and Converting Technology, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, full member of the Academy of Electrotechnical of the Russian Federation, Sergey Igorevich Kopylov, suddenly died.

In 1979, S.I., Kopylov graduated from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, worked in the department of applied superconductivity of the IVTAN USSR, where he began research and the creation of superconducting magnetic systems. In 1990, Sergei Igorevich was invited to the USA at the University of Madison, where he was engaged in computational and experimental research of superconducting cables and model superconducting magnets. The ultimate goal of all these works was the development of a record superconducting inductive storage with a winding diameter of 72 m. In 2005 he got his Doctor of Technical Sciences degree. S. I. Kopylov was a high-class leader and an established scientist who enjoyed the highest authority among professionals. He was a remarkable person, an outstanding scientist, teacher and organizer of science.

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