2025 2nd High Temperature Superconductor Accelerator Technology Workshop

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The focus of the program is on REBCO coated conductor magnet technology for acceleraors, i.e. post HL-LHC high energy colliders, beam lines and hadron therapy.
A preliminary draft programme, along with practical information regarding venue and accommodation (hotels and booking form) is available at the workshop website. A more refined program will be communicated beginning of 2025.
The main topics that will be discussed are: conductor and cables, magnet design and technology, and specific R&D. The workshop also aims at elaborating a community paper on HTS R&D for accelerator magnets as contribution to the ongoing update of the European Startegy for Particle Physivs.
Participation in the workshop is by invitation only and is free of charge.
Participants should cover the cost of their travel and accommodation.
We look forward to meeting you at CERN.