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Announcing SNF Issue No. 53

Issue No. 53 includes a plenary and 13 invited talks!
1 year 7 months ago
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SNF Issue No. 53, includes 1 plenary and 13 invited presentations from Coated Conductors for Applications Workshop (CCA2023 (April 2023) and American Physical Society (APS (March 2023)).  This issue acknowledges our recent Lifetime Achievement Awardees: Dr. Lixing You, Prof. Xavier Obradors and David Evans, and Paul Chu, Herbert Freyhardt, and David Larbalestier. 

Please forward the announcement of our new issue and website to others who might be interested, including other members of your group or organization. We hope you find the issue very timely and informative. We also welcome your comments.

The SNF Editorial Team:

Xavier Obradors

Herbert Freyhardt

Tony Przybysz

Kazuhiko Hayashi